its been a long time since my last update but i figure i would post some new photos and new scenes on the layouts. as well as scenery i have been working on the locmotives weathering and adding details to ill will post all of the loco projects later in a seprate update. here is suburban propane this seen has taken alot of time i had to build to bobtail tank trucks and boom trucks since i work for suburban i wanted it ti be just right if you would like details on the build of this plant let me know and i can give you a play by play on the whole design and of the plans .
here is the latest farm and river scene on the over on the left side this scene was a very simple one comprised of foam base earth paint and grond cover only thing left is more cows and static grass. to complete the scene. here is the lastest loco project central vermont Gp9 4935 which is a proto 2000 model the has been dummied because of motor problems. na done scene that is almost done the foam based road and dirt road that runs to the maine road this was really just a thought i had one night when i couldnt sleep and it thurned out to be a good idea but thats is it for this update i will post more about the locomotives projects such as LVRC MEC and Cp rail im just waiting for cp rail c424 to com in from canada